(224) 770-5304

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan?

The Teamsters International Office has partnered with Union One (Benefit Administrator) and Prudential Financial (Insurance Company) to provide the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan. This is an exclusive opportunity for Pilots who are actively working, U.S.-Based Teamsters Members to protect their income if unable to work due to losing their FAA Medical certification for medical reasons (such as; injuries, illnesses, surgeries, pregnancy, substance abuse, etc.). It is a voluntary, supplemental insurance program that gives you access to guaranteed approved coverage for Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, and Income Life Insurance. All of these benefits stack on top of and pay in addition to other benefits for which you may be eligible, to ensure you protect as much of your income as possible.

What is the difference between the Teamsters VIP+ Air and Teamsters VIP+ Plan?

The Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan is specifically constructed for the needs of Teamsters Pilots, and includes policy enhancements such as:

  1. True Loss of License Protection: You are considered disabled if you lose your Medical Certification and are grounded by the FAA for a medical reason. You can continue to receive benefits for up to 5 years if the FAA continues to ground you, even if your doctor clears you to return to work.
  2. 3 Years of Protection for Substance/Alcohol Abuse Claims: The road back to being cleared to fly after being grounded by the FAA for Substance/Alcohol issues is complex, and the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan does not limit payments for these conditions but instead treats them the same as any other disability.
  3. FAA Advocacy: When you are ready to return to the air after recovering from a disability, the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan has partnered with AMAS (Aviation Medicine Advisory Service) to help coordinate your reinstatement application with the FAA and advocate on your behalf.

When did this plan roll out?

The Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan rolled out effective December 1, 2024.

Can I get a copy of the VIP+ Air policy?

The Policy Booklets are being finalized and will be available shortly after the initial 12/1/2024 effective date. The Teamsters VIP+ Booklet (non-Air) does not accurately capture the enhancements made to the VIP+ Air Plan. Once the booklet is finalized, you are provided a review period during which you can cancel coverage with a full refund.

Who is Union One?

Union One is the nation’s leader in income replacement benefits for labor unions. Exclusively working with organized labor, Union One has unmatched experience managing benefits for unions and their Members. Union One works on behalf of Teamsters and its Members to provide a wide array of services, including education and enrollment, premium collection, administrative support, and claims advocacy.

What is UnionHub?

The Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan is committed to making it easier and safer for you to manage your income protection benefits. That’s why we’ve teamed up with UnionHub, a cutting-edge platform that transforms how you access and manage your benefits and payments – all in one convenient place. To learn more about UnionHub, visit teamstersvipair.com/unionhub.

Does the International pay for the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan?

No, this is a voluntary program that Teamsters Members have exclusive access to, but you must enroll and pay for the benefits yourself. By offering this benefit through the International, the VIP+ Air Plan is able to provide plan enhancements and lower pricing that is not available if the plan is offered at the Local or individual level.

How do I pay for this? Is it payroll deducted?

These benefits are paid for through a secure ACH Process, not payroll deduction. When you enroll through the UnionHub platform, you will be able to provide your banking account information (you can choose to have your monthly costs paid through either a checking or savings account) to set up your recurring monthly ACH Payments. At that time, you can decide if those payments are made once a month or twice a month, split into two payments. You determine which day(s) of the month payment is made.

Your payments will begin after your coverage effective date, on the day(s) you’ve chosen.

Please note, this will appear on your bank statement as “UNIONHUB PYMT” and your monthly costs for your elected benefits will be deducted on the day(s) you selected.

What Are The Costs?

Please visit the Teamsters VIP+ Air Cost Calculator at teamstersvip.unionhub.com/calculator, a great tool for determining what options fit your budget.

How Are the Costs Determined?

The Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan leverages the strength and size of the entire Membership to offer competitive group rates. The insurance company, Prudential, looked at the entire population, not any individual Member when determining the rates. This allows the rates to be guaranteed approved and lower for most Members than they can get on their own.

How do I enroll?

The Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan has rolling 60-day enrollments throughout 2025. This will allow Members to learn about the benefits and choose the best options. To enroll, go to teamstersvipair.com and click the “Enroll Now” button at the top of the page. The sooner you enroll, the sooner your coverage will begin.

What if I did not get an enrollment code?

If you have not received a Unique Enrollment ID, you can either:

  1. Go to teamstersvip.unionhub.com and register without your Enrollment ID (please note that after you register, you must answer “Yes” to the Pilot Question to be directed to the VIP+ Air Plan).
  2. Call Union One at (224) 770-5304 (Specify you are a Pilot and wish to enroll in the VIP+ Air program. It is very important you mention “Air”).

Do I have to elect all coverages or can I pick and choose?

All coverages in the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan are offered on an a la carte basis. You can choose one, all or any combinations of the coverages.

What are the income limitations and coverage limits of the VIP+ Air Short-Term Disability (STD) policy?

The maximum STD benefit you can enroll in is $2,000 per week, not to exceed 60% of your weekly income. Therefore, if you make more than $173,333 per year, you can elect up to $2,000 max. If you make less than that amount, then you can elect up to 60% of your weekly income.

  • Example: If you make $100,000 per year ($1,923 per week), you can elect up to 60% of your weekly income or $1,153 per week.

The STD benefit you elect is stackable with other disability benefits (employer/union paid disability, State disability, etc.) for which you are eligible, not to exceed 100% of your weekly pre-disability income. This means that your elected benefit will not be subject to any offsets as long as your VIP+ Air STD Benefit + Other Eligible Disability Benefits does not exceed your pre-disability weekly income.

  • Example 1 (No Offset):
    • You Make $200,000 per year ($3,846 per week)
    • You Elect $2,000 weekly VIP+ Air STD Benefit
    • You are eligible for a $1,000 weekly benefit outside of the VIP+ Air Plan
    • $2,000+$1,000= $3,000 which is less than 100% of your $3,846 weekly income, so no offset. You would receive the whole $2,000 benefit.
  • Example 2 (Offset):
    • You Make $100,000 per year ($1,923 per week)
    • You Elect $1,100 weekly VIP+ Air STD Benefit (max you can elect)
    • You are eligible for a $1,000 weekly disability benefit outside of the VIP+ Air Plan
    • $1,153+$1,000= $2,153 which is more than 100% of your $1,923 weekly income, so your benefit would be offset by the overage ($2,153 – $1,923 = $230). You would receive $923 per week from the VIP+ Air STD Plan ($1,923 – $230)*.

*In this example you would want to elect a STD Benefit of $900 so that you do not encounter an offset.

What are the income limitations and coverage limits of the VIP+ Air Long-Term Disability (LTD) policy?

The maximum LTD benefit you can enroll in is $7,500 per month (under the 5-year duration option) not to exceed 60% of your monthly income. Therefore, if you make more than $150,000 per year, you can elect up to $7,500 max. If you make less than that amount, then you can elect up to 60% of your monthly income.

  • Example: If you make $100,000 per year ($8,333 per month), you can elect up to 60% of your monthly income or $5,000 per month.

The LTD benefit you elect is stackable with other disability benefits (Worker’s Compensation, Social Security Disability, etc.) for which you are eligible, not to exceed 70% of your weekly pre-disability income. This means that your elected benefit will not be subject to any offsets as long as your VIP+ Air LTD Benefit + Other Eligible Disability Benefits does not exceed your pre-disability monthly income. 

  • Example 1 (No Offset):
    • You Make $200,000 per year ($16,667 per month)
    • You Elect $7,500 weekly VIP+ Air LTD Benefit
    • You are eligible for a $3,000 monthly disability benefit outside of the VIP+ Air Plan
    • $7,500+$3,000= $10,500 which is less than $11,667 (70% your $16,667 monthly income), so no offset. You would receive the whole $7,500 benefit.
  • Example 2 (Offset):
    • You Make $100,000 per year ($8,333 per week)
    • You Elect $5,000 monthly VIP+ Air LTD Benefit (max you can elect)
    • You are eligible for a $1,500 monthly benefit outside of the VIP+ Air Plan
    • $5,000+$1,500= $6,500 which is more than $5,833 (70% of your $8,333 monthly income) so your benefit would be offset by the overage ($6,500 – $5,833 = $667). You would receive $4,333 from the VIP+ Air LTD Plan ($5,000 – $667)*.

*In this example you would want to elect a LTD Benefit of $4,300 so that you do not encounter an offset.

Are Paid Days Off (PDO) cashouts considered a deductible source of income and utilized when determining offsets and stackability?

Yes, Paid Days Off would go toward the stackability calculation for both STD and LTD. For STD, you can stack other sources of income on top of your benefit up to 100% of your pre-disability earnings, and for LTD you can do so up to 70% of your pre-disability earnings.

Does this protect against injuries or illnesses?

The VIP+ Air Plan protects against injuries and illnesses.

  • The STD provides off the job coverage (Worker’s Compensation provides on the job coverage).
  • The LTD provides 24 hour on and off the job coverage.

Can I just enroll in Aeromedical Services by AMAS?

AMAS is included in both the Teamsters VIP+ Air Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability coverages at no additional cost. However, you cannot purchase the AMAS solution on a standalone basis through the VIP+ Air Plan. 

Am I covered the day I enroll?

No, each 60-day enrollment window has an effective date of coverage that occurs once the enrollment window closes. You will not be covered until that effective date. You must be a dues paying member and actively working on or immediately before your effective date of coverage to be eligible (see eligibility requirements FAQ below for more information).

I already signed up for Teamsters VIP+ (non-Air). What now?

It is a very easy process to switch over. If you call Union One at (224) 770-5304, they can assist you in just a few minutes to get moved over to the VIP+ Air Plan.

What are the eligibility requirements to enroll in the plan?

  1. Membership Requirement:
  • You must be an actively working Pilot who is a full dues-paying Member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, living in the U.S.
  1. Employment and Actively Working Requirements (must satisfy all):
  • You must be employed under a U.S.-Based collectively bargained contract on the effective date of coverage.
  • You must be actively working on or immediately before your effective date of coverage (based on when you enroll) to be eligible. This means performing your job duties for your employer on that specific date. If you are not actively working, your coverage will only start once you return to actively working status.
    • Definition of “Actively Working”: The following situations are considered as “actively working” days:
      1. Days Worked: Any day you work a full day as scheduled by your employer, performing the duties of your occupation.
      2. Scheduled Days Off: Days you are not scheduled to work but are still employed and physically able to work.
      3. Vacation Time: Paid vacation days approved by your employer, when you are still physically able to work.
      4. Paid Time Off (PTO): Any paid leave days granted by your employer, such as sick leave or personal days, when you are still physically able to work.
      5. Periods Between Jobs: Time between assignments or projects, provided you remain employed by the same employer and physically able to work.
  • If you are not currently employed, meaning you do not have an employer, you are not eligible to enroll.

Why can’t I enroll if I am not working?

One of the things that makes the Teamsters VIP+ Plan unique is that it is guaranteed approved so that Members do not have to answer medical questions or submit to medical tests to get enrolled. The Plan is able to do that because the insurance carrier (Prudential) underwrites the total Membership, not the individual Member. To protect the plan and ensure its longevity, there are a few parameters that Members must meet to get this guaranteed approved coverage, with the largest one being that you are actively working when you enroll. 

Since the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan has a rolling open enrollment that means that once you return to work you can enroll and get protected at that time, so you are not missing out on the opportunity to get protected.

Once I am enrolled, are there any requirements to stay covered on the plan?

  1. Membership Requirement:
    • You must remain an actively working, full, dues-paying Member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters living in the U.S.
  1. Maintaining Employment and Working Status Requirement:
    • You must remain employed under a U.S.-Based collectively bargained contract and meet the requirements below.
      • Work Hours Requirement: You must work at least 750 hours per year.
      • Continuity Requirement: You must not have a break in active work longer than 6 consecutive months.

Are Disabilities that occur before my effective date covered?

No, if your date of disability is prior to the coverage effective date, it will not be eligible for benefits, and you will not be covered under the policy until you return to active working status.

What if I have pre-existing condition(s), will that be covered under the Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability coverage?

Yes, after you have been paying premium on the plan for one year, any disabilities that occur after that one-year period that are caused by a pre-existing condition are covered. Any disabilities that occur during the first year, that are caused by a pre-existing condition are not covered. All increases in coverage after initially enrolling will be subject to a separate pre-existing condition clock.

Any disabilities not caused by a pre-existing condition are covered Day One!

If you are switching from another disability plan to the VIP+ Air Plan, you will be credited for time served on the prior plan towards satisfying the pre-existing condition provision.

How do the Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability policies define a pre-existing condition?

Both Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability define something as a pre-existing condition if both of the following are true:

  • You received medical treatment, consultation, care or service, including diagnostic measures, or took prescription drugs or medications, or followed treatment recommendations for the condition in the 3 months prior to your effective date or coverage (or effective date of an increase in coverage).
  • Your disability begins within 12 months of the date your coverage (or increase in coverage) under the plan becomes effective.

Is pregnancy a covered condition under the STD/LTD VIP+ Air plan?

Yes, pregnancies occurring after the effective date of coverage are covered under the STD and LTD plan for VIP+ Air. Pregnancy claims are standardly treated as post-partum claims, but benefits can begin prior to delivery if the claimant’s doctor holds them out of work due to the pregnancy. The FAA recommends that pregnant Pilots have their obstetrician aware of all aviation activities to provide proper advice. Pregnancy claims very rarely transition to LTD, but if there are complications that cause a claimant to be out for an extended period of time then the claim can transition to LTD.

When determining what income to report and what maximum disability benefit I am eligible for, should I only be using my Pilot income or should I also count other sources of income I may have (e.g. – military pension, rental property income, etc.)?

The Short-Term and Long-Term Disability benefits are only there to protect the income you earn as a Pilot. Any other sources of income you may have should not be factored in when reporting your income for the IBT VIP+ Air Plan or when calculating the maximum benefit you are eligible to enroll in. It is also important to note that at the time of claim, any additional sources of income you have prior to becoming disabled will not be taken into account when determining the IBT VIP+ Air benefit stackability and will not offset against your benefit.

If I am grounded from flying, but continue to get paid for being an Instructor, how will that impact disability benefit payments?

Any income you receive from your employer while on a disability claim will be factored into the benefit stackability as described in #18 and #19. If you do not see an income decrease while grounded and working as an Instructor, you will receive a minimum disability benefit. Given that everyone’s situation is different (seniority, place on pay scale, contractual guarantees, etc.) we encourage you to call Union One at (224) 770-5304 to further discuss. 

Are injuries received during the course of elective surgery (e.g., LASIK) covered?

Yes, injuries sustained due to elective surgery are covered.

Are pre-existing conditions covered with the Life/AD&D Insurance?

Yes, for Life and AD&D Insurance (Member, Spouse, and Dependent), pre-existing conditions are covered from Day One! 

What is the claim process, and how quickly will claims be paid?

Union One provides full Claims Advocacy Services to help walk you through each step of the process. When you need to file a claim, you simply contact Union One and a dedicated Claims Advocate will be assigned to you for the entirety of your claim. This will be your main point of contact, and your Advocate will help complete and gather all the information needed to submit your claim to Prudential. Once all information is gathered and submitted to Prudential, claims are approved within 5 business days on average.

Since the Teamsters VIP+ Plan rolled out, over $1,000,0000 in tax-free benefits have been paid to Members.

What is AMAS, and how do they participate in my claim?

Aviation Medicine Advisory Service (AMAS) is the trusted advocate for Pilots and those in related aviation professions. AMAS has made it their mission to streamline the complex medical certification process that keeps the aviation industry aloft. They do this by staying current in every nuance of aviation medicine, and by working directly with clients to navigate efficiently through the regulatory maze.

When you are ready to return to the air after recovering from a disability, the Teamsters VIP+ Air Plan has partnered with AMAS to help coordinate your reinstatement application with the FAA and advocate on your behalf. When the time is right, Union One will pull in AMAS to begin working with you and the FAA to submit and process your reinstatement application. 


IMPORTANT: The monthly cost for coverage is based on your age at the start of the coverage and will increase on the policy anniversary date after you move into a new age bracket.

Participation in this program is voluntary, and the decision to enroll rests solely with the Members. Members are responsible for bearing all associated costs. A $2 technology fee is included in all listed monthly costs for the following coverages: Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability. A $1 technology fee is included in all listed monthly costs for the following coverages: Member Life and Spouse Life.

This voluntary benefit plan is classified as a Safe Harbor plan and, as such, is not subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Teamsters does not contribute to the premiums for this plan on behalf of its Members, does not endorse the plan, and does not require Members to enroll in the plan.

IMPORTANT: If you depart from the Teamsters, opt out of paying dues, or retire, you must notify the Teamsters VIP+ Air Customer Service Center at (224) 770-5304. Not doing so within 90 days could delay or negate your eligibility for a refund.

We encourage Members to thoroughly review the complete policy booklet. Email info@unionone.com to request a copy.

This program is administered by Union One Benefits Administration.

Union One


For STD & LTD: These policies provide disability income insurance only and do NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

For Life: You have 31 days to notify Union One of your retirement if you wish to port or convert your Life Insurance.

North Carolina Residents: THIS IS NOT A MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PLAN. If you are eligible for Medicare, review the Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare, which is available from the company.

Group Insurance coverages are issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. Contract Series: 83500.

Prudential, the Prudential logo, and the Rock symbol are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

Prudential Logo